(TF) Ships don't take over from flight leader

Issue #709 closed
MajorParts created an issue

If a flight leader is destroyed while leaving a platform, the other ships in the FG will “follow unknown” and fly off forever

Comments (7)

  1. Blazing .Firestorm

    in the next mission TF 2 the same behaviour happens to the player craft when the flight lead is destroyed you don’t become the flight leader

  2. MajorParts reporter

    Merged in bugfix/709-ships-dont-take-over-from-flight-leader (pull request #1266)

    Bugfix/709 ships dont take over from flight leader

    • Closes issue #709.

    Flight Leader dead check was exiting check too soon because the leader ship was no longer an active craft (finished blowing up).

    • Closes issue #709.

    Flight Leader dead check was exiting check too soon because the leader ship was no longer an active craft (finished blowing up).

    • Commented out some probably unnecessary lines.

    Approved-by: David Esparza Guerrero

    → <<cset 971b48986f5d>>

  3. MajorParts reporter

    Merged in bugfix/709-ships-dont-take-over-from-flight-leader (pull request #1266)

    Bugfix/709 ships dont take over from flight leader

    • Closes issue #709.

    Flight Leader dead check was exiting check too soon because the leader ship was no longer an active craft (finished blowing up).

    • Closes issue #709.

    Flight Leader dead check was exiting check too soon because the leader ship was no longer an active craft (finished blowing up).

    • Commented out some probably unnecessary lines.

    Approved-by: David Esparza Guerrero

    → <<cset 971b48986f5d>>

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