FRT Collision strikes back

Issue #71 resolved
Justagai created an issue

Steps to reproduce:

  • Fly Y-wing Historical mission 1
  • Wait for FRT Deddite and FRT Birkby to arrive
  • Wait for them to start docking with CON Chi 1 and CON Chi 3 respectively
  • Destroy CON Chi 3
  • Destroy CON Chi 1
  • FRT Birkby will go upward towards CON Chi 2
  • FRT Birkby collides with FRT Deddite

It seems the AI routine for docking horizontally has been fixed but vertically is an issue.

Comments (3)

  1. David Esparza Guerrero

    Fixed: Issue #71: FRT Collision strikes back. - Ships will now attempt to avoid colliding with other ships, even those behind them, while they try to get close to the boarding point of their targets. - They will also attempt to dock with their target if and only if there are no other ships in the line between them two. Added: For debugging purposes, pressing the start mission button (or the one selecting the mission version) while holding the LEFT SHIFT key in the mission selection screen skips the briefing and the launching cutscene.

    → <<cset 69c81d4c5e79>>

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