Mission reported as failure due to time expiry despite completion

Issue #75 resolved
Former user created an issue

If completing a mission successfully, but remaining in the mission until the time has expired, the mission is reported as failed in the goals display, and the mission failure music plays.

Steps to reproduce: * Start and complete YWHM5 within the time limit

  • Remain in the map until the time expires. Mission status changes from Mission Complete to Mission Failure despite all objectives being fulfilled.

Comments (4)

  1. David Esparza Guerrero
    • changed status to open

    This is just me half-implementing the timer several months ago, and not remembering to come back to finish it. :)

    The timer is supposed to run up for TOD missions, and down for Historical missions, I think. TOD missions aren't timed and the player can take as long as desired, but historical missions have a time limit and the mission is ended when the time runs out.

    For the time going, I considered time running out as a mission failure, but in the original the player's ships would just auto jump to hyperspace.

    Since I don't want to make the timer count down like in the original (because it serves a purpose to know when something was said in the Message Log), I had to add the timer to the Goal Tracker screen. But obviously it cannot stay as a goal that can be failed.

    I will make that the player loses control on their ship and hypers out when the time reaches zero.

    There is the edge case of what happens if the hyperdrive is not functional when that happens, or what should happen when the player is flying a ship without hyperdrive once we support custom ships, though.

  2. Dez E

    From what I remember, the automatic hyperspace situation only applied for historical missions, but campaign missions would continue indefinitely. I'm not sure if I ever tested mission expiry with a damaged hyperdrive (as this is difficult to arrange in game), but an option is to just make the ship enter hyperspace anyway (R2 suddenly fixed the hyperdrive, perhaps).

    For any situations where the player can remain in the map past the mission expiry time, it's probably worth adding an extra check to the mission time expiry trigger, where if the mission is already complete, the state remains unchanged?

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