Reselect mission functionality broken in current release (170815)

Issue #76 resolved
Former user created an issue

In the current build, using the 'reselect mission' option allows the player to choose a new mission, however no briefing is loaded, and if attempting to start a mission, the game hangs (black screen).

Steps to reproduce:

  • Start the game and load any mission.

  • Using the menu, choose the reselect mission option.

  • Select any mission. Note that no briefing is loaded (see screenshot).

  • Press Start Mission. Note that a black screen is displayed and the game offers no visual response to input.

Comments (5)

  1. MajorParts

    Apparently not. It just happened with the latest dev build, but not straight away. I went to a b-wing mission after a couple of y-wing historics though.

  2. David Esparza Guerrero

    Fixed: Issue #76: Reselect mission functionality broken in current release (170815). This fix includes several fixes to the iMuse player that provoked exceptions when the musical collection was changed while special events were pending in the queue, or when the new collection didn't have variations for its musical fragments. These error were causing exceptions that resulted on music not playing during the Briefing scene. Fixed: Once initialized, later calls to ManualStart for the AudioClipManager shouldn't require it to reload all audio files again, increasing performance. Fixed: Multiple iMuse player objects could coexist during a single frame before the duplicate ones selfdestructing, but this was long enough to make the Briefing Manager mistake a duplicate with the good one. This has been fixed by making the Briefing Manager always pick the oldest object iMuse player. Fixed: Neutral capital ships were attacking rebels and imperials instead of ignoring them. Fixed: The cutscene to be played during mission launch was mistakenly set to the Intro cutscene in a previous commit. This has been reverted.

    → <<cset d4f25e48ca16>>

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