Reported craft speed not accurate during Looking for ship to Board order

Issue #79 resolved
Dez E created an issue

I seem to have found an edge case where the reported speed is not the same as the actual craft speed.

In YWHM2, if destroying the freighter immediately, before T/B Delta 1 has docked, it will remain in the "Looking for ship to board" order, with a reported speed of 0, but will in fact be travelling at approximately 6 MGLT.

The above speed is an estimate based on manual matching, as trying to match via the 'Match target speed' function set the player speed to 0.

Steps to reproduce:

  • Start YWHM2

  • Immediately set lasers to full recharge and destroy the nearby freighter.

  • Target T/B Delta 1, note that it is in the "Looking for ship to board" state and has a reported speed of 0, but is still moving forwards at ~ 6.

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