(T/F) PLT 6 missing some weapons

Issue #797 wontfix
Blazing .Firestorm created an issue

from the 98 opt it should have

1 x Torpedo
10 x SuperRebellaser
14 x TurboRebellaser

Comments (2)

  1. Xwvm Art

    The DOS model doesn't have the same hard point assignments as the OPT. This is likely a bug in the original DOS models which was fixed for the OPT. The DOS model (PLATCA) has 6x Super Rebel Lasers, 9x Turbo Rebel Lasers, and 4x Torpedos. Additionally, the DOS model doesn't have the top turrets around the central portion (consisting of 4x Super Rebel Lasers, and 2x Turbo Rebel Lasers).

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