Capital ships are targeted with R

Issue #8 wontfix
J. King created an issue

If there are no starfighters in the area, the R will target the nearest hostile capital ship instead. I experienced this both during Y-W mission 4 (which targets the Predator/Tiger) and at the end of Y-W mission 2 (where the frigate is targeted).

Comments (8)

  1. David Esparza Guerrero

    It's mean to be a feature that "Select Nearest Enemy Threat" always selects something if there are indeed threats around. It prioritizes fighters and transports over capital ships, and active versus disabled ships. This is a change of functionality from X-Wing series, where it only selected fighters. And from TIE Fighter and later, where it only selected non-capital ships.

  2. David Esparza Guerrero

    Unless someone really find this bothersome, I think I am gonna treat it as a feature or improvement.

  3. Justagai

    It's not an issue in X-Wing because capital ships do not have warhead launchers. But if we eventually move onto TIE Fighter then it will be an issue as capital ships will shoot warheads when targeted.

  4. Raffaello Grani

    I don't think it's a feature in TIE Fighter, but in XvT. Capships only fire at the player when fired upon by him/her in TIE Fighter.

  5. Justagai

    You're correct, the player does have to attack the starship to fire missiles back (regardless if its targeted or not as well as dumbfired). It seems they nerfed this mechanic in XvT and it remains the same in XWA. I suppose it depends on the direction we will eventually be heading.

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