YWHM 5: Red 2 Does Not Hyperspace Out

Issue #81 resolved
Rob Pilkington created an issue

In the original game in YWHM 5, Red 2 leaves after the TIEs and and/or transports are destroyed while the frigate is still around, and before Mercy has completed its docking operation. (May need additional testing to see if it's reliant on one or the other.)

In XWVM, Red 2 never leaves; he just flies around a waypoint.

This has no impact on the results of the mission as it stands now, but may have significant in other missions.

Comments (6)

  1. David Esparza Guerrero
    • changed status to open

    In this mission, Red 2 has orders "Attack Enemies" Primary: Delta, Secondary: Gamma.

    Can you please confirm if Red 2 leaves when all fighter sized enemies are destroyed (TIEs and transports) or is it enough that Delta and Gamma are destroyed?

  2. Rob Pilkington reporter

    Red 2 doesn't leave until both TIEs and transports are destroyed.

    Also, I've seen Red 2 prioritize the transports over the TIEs several times whereas in XWVM Red 2 will always prioritize the TIEs if they are around.

  3. David Esparza Guerrero

    I would believe that a ship would prioritize its primary and secondary targets over any others. Are you sure it prioritizes TIEs over transports?

  4. Rob Pilkington reporter

    In X-Wing, Red 2 will sometimes attack the transports even when the TIEs are around. I'm not yet certain how he picks his priorities yet, even after looking at some flight recorder footage. (Perhaps he simply doesn't switch targets?)

    In XWVM, he prioritizes the TIE groups Delta and Gamma over anything else. If a transport launches from the frigate first, he will target that but then immediately switch targets when the TIEs are launched.

  5. Rob Pilkington reporter

    I played a round in XWVM where Red 2 did go for a transport even with the TIEs around. Now I'm not sure what's happening there, either. It seems to happen much less often in XWVM than it does in X-Wing, at least.

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