FOV slider shouldn't affect menu size

Issue #86 resolved
ShadowOwl created an issue

Right now the FOV slider has a huge impact on the menus. A wrong movement of the slider can dwarf the the menu/text sizes to unreadable scales. This should not happen at all.

Introducing a additional menu size slide might be an alternative.

Comments (3)

  1. David Esparza Guerrero

    The problem with this is that the menus are 3D world objects that float in front of the camera. They aren't screen overlays. This is so to make them viable for the VR cameras, since screen overlays have very negative effect on the player in VR. I think perhaps we could make it so that there is a Menu Distance slider that allows you to move the menu away and closer to the camera. But it feels a bit hackish.

    Alternatively we could find a math formula that leaves the menu the same relative size whenever the FOV is altered, and the size is applied automatically...

  2. Xwvm Art

    Marking as resolved as adjusting FOVs doesn't affect the menu sizes, since these are world space now and have scalers applied. Please re-open if there is still an issue.

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