[Enhancement] Craft are inspected by wingmen if already within inspection distance

Issue #88 wontfix
Dez E created an issue

This is a suggestion based on behaviour in XWA - as far as I recall, it wasn't present in any other games in the series.

When a friendly fighter class passes within the normal inspection distance of an enemy, it would be useful if an automatic inspection was performed. This would mainly be an accessibility enhancement for newer players.

I'm not suggesting any modifications to the AI as part of this feature; a passive check when the ship is already within the appropriate distance would be plenty :)

Comments (3)

  1. David Esparza Guerrero

    This feature would be very easy to implement. But I am not sure if it would be too much deviation from X-Wing, TIE Fighter, etc.

    There could be the case that a missing having mostly goals about inspecting stuff would be completed entirely by friendly ships, right?

    Do we want that?

  2. Dez E reporter

    It would probably depend on the mission - from memory, most of the missions with heavy inspection stuff usually involves the player going off and inspecting stuff on their own, either without wingmen at all, or with wingmen doing something else entirely (since the AI in the original games has no concept of inspection).

    The use case I had in mind is in YWHM5, where Red 1 tends to make strafing runs at the transport docking with FRT Hampton (and gets pretty close), but it's never confirmed as having the escapees until the player does their own inspection - not critical to how the mission functions, but just a helpful feature.

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