Frigate can fire lasers in continuous streams

Issue #9 resolved
Rob Pilkington created an issue

The Frigate in the Y-wing mission Commerce Raid will sometimes spray its lasers in continuous streams with nearly no delay between bolts before returning to a normal firing pattern.

It seems to trigger if it starts firing and then stops for a bit, then gets the opportunity to open fire again.

I've been able to trigger it (after my wingman is destroyed) by getting the frigate to fire at me, back off to beyond 2 km for a short time (so that it stops firing), then re-engaging.

Comments (7)

  1. Det_Bullock

    I encountered this problem too, in the first historical mission after a bit of dogfighting with the TIEs around the frigate, my wingman was still alive.


  2. David Esparza Guerrero

    Fixed: Issue #9: Frigate can fire lasers in continuous streams Added: GameManager inspector for debugging flight groups at runtime.

    → <<cset f48c9f8c412d>>

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