Mission Briefing Doesn't Play Under Some Conditions

Issue #91 resolved
canukausiuka created an issue

Was playing YWHM5 (Escape from Mytus VII). Failed mission, and used [Esc] -> [Reselect Mission] to try another mission. Attempted to load YWHM6 (Rebalanced), and the briefing screen loaded, but the briefing did not play. The buttons appeared to still work, but none of them were able to get the briefing working. Backed out to the mission select and re-selected YWHM5, and briefing still did not play. Missions also failed to launch, but I was able to return to the menu.

I'm not sure what the root cause is, will continue to watch for and investigate.

Comments (7)

  1. canukausiuka reporter

    Issue observed again, this time after completing XWHM1 and returning to menu using the [Reselect Mission] button. This time the [Start Mission] button resulted in a black screen w/ XWVM cursor and no additional progress (had to Alt-F4 out).

  2. canukausiuka reporter

    Observed again. At this time, I believe this is related to Alt-Tabbing in and out of the game. The last several times I have alt-tabbed out and come back in, the next mission's briefing fails to load.

  3. canukausiuka reporter

    Re: alt+tab... behavior is not consistent. I have been able to Alt+Tab several times now and have a mission briefing load. At this point, though, I do not think I have had a mission briefing fail to load that was not preceded by an Alt+Tab.

  4. canukausiuka reporter

    Issue does appear to be related, although my behavior was intermittent (I was able to reselect missions without a problem some of the time). I'll see if the issue recurs after the next update.

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