[General] Proposal: Include support for the TIEDemo mission

Issue #96 on hold
Raffaello Grani created an issue

About half a year prior to the retail release, there was a pre-release demo of "TIE Fighter", which included an exclusive mission. Technically, that demo was some sort of hybrid of X-Wing and TIE Fighter. Perhabs that mission can be supported by or even included with the full version of XWVM as some sort of extra for the players waiting for TIEVM. According to "Emperor's Hammer"-member Ender mBind, who ported that mission to the full release, its format in the demo is some sort of mix between the XWI and TIE-formats.

Comments (3)

  1. Justagai

    I have converted the mission to X-wing and XWVM. It's not a perfect conversion due to not supporting the .tie format at this point in time, but its pretty close. I did have to get creative with the X-Wing version since the game only allows for 16 FG in the mission file.

    TIEDEMO mission that can work with both the original X-Wing and XWVM

    TIEDEMO mission that can only work with XWVM. It's also a near perfect conversion of the mission

    Place the files into your %appdata%\XWVM\CustomXWingMissions folder for XWVM. For X-wing you will have to either replace an original mission, or load a mission in the memory.

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