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Welcome to Groovy Cmd Wiki page. This is a little framework for creating simple cli programms. Using it you just need to extends Cmd class and write your own cli methods.

Your methods must сomply with the following terms:

  • Return type should be boolean;
  • Method's name should starts with do_ prefix;
  • It has to have only one argument of type String[];
  • Presence of @Description annotation is optional.


    brief='short description',
    full='full description'
boolean do_MyMethod(String[] args) {
    // your implementation

After executing your program, you can run your command by typing its name without prefix do_:

cmd:> MyMethod

Unfortunately, you can not move text cursor by the keyboard arrows, because of peculiarity of Java (accordingly, Groovy too) console I/O. That's why I didn't implement:

  • History scrolling by up/down arrows;
  • Tab autocompletion;
  • And etc...

The workaround - is to use Java libraries, which include C/C++ wrapped code for working with console...but, in my opinion, it is too "expensive" for simple Cli framework and, also, destructs a portability of your console scripts.

How was implemented commands history in Groovy Cmd see in links.


For getting framework from Bitbucket type the following command in shell:

$ git clone

Then, enter in created directory:

$ cd groovy-cmd

There are place the groovy files:

File name Short description
Cmd.groovy Abstract class, that contains all framework logic and you just need to extend it for work. Furthermore it contains @Description annotation for methods description
Shell.groovy It's not a part of Cmd, but very useful class with only one static method for running shell commands
