KeyError: '0'

Issue #32 resolved
Grinch747 created an issue

Hi, when i run ROSE the following way:

python -g hg38 -i /proj/enhancers/H3K27ac_peaks_superEnhancers.gff -r /proj/enhancers/H3K27ac_aligned.bam.sorted.bam -t 2500 -c/proj/enhancers/input-ChIP_aligned.bam.sorted.bam -o /proj/enhancers/superEnhancers/

I get this error:

USING HG38 AS THE GENOME MAKING START DICT LOADING IN GFF REGIONS Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 497, in <module> main() File "", line 354, in main referenceCollection = ROSE_utils.gffToLocusCollection(inputGFFFile) File "/pica/h1/user/bin/rose/", line 528, in gffToLocusCollection lociList.append(Locus(line[0],line[3],line[4],line[6],name)) File "/pica/h1/user/bin/rose/", line 271, in init self._sense = self.__senseDict[sense] KeyError: '0'

Any idea why?

Comments (3)

  1. Brian Abraham


    hg38 is not currently supported by ROSE. If you wish to use hg38, you will have to create a file of hg38 annotations in the annotations directory and modify the code to add hg38 as a valid genome.

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