startDict[gene]['sense'] = refseqTable[refseqDict[gene][0]][3]

Issue #67 new
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i was download the example data to run python -g HG18 -i ./data/HG18_MM1S_MED1.gff -r ./data/MM1S_MED1.hg18.bwt.sorted.bam -c ./data/MM1S_WCE.hg18.bwt.sorted.bam -o example -s 12500 -t 2500

it seem i have to use my own hg19.tsv file? but when i use my own hg19.tgv file, it show the error startDict[gene]['sense'] = refseqTable[refseqDict[gene][0]][3] IndexError: list index out of range

what should i input for the -g?

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