The Pros and Cons of Online Counselling

Issue #283 new
Muskan Mandal created an issue

Online Counselling refers to the provision of counselling or psychotherapy services through the internet. Online Counselling, as opposed to in-person counselling, allows you to contact with a qualified therapist or counsellor using any device with an internet connection, such as a computer, tablet, or smartphone. Teletherapy and e-therapy are two more terms that are sometimes used interchangeably with online Counselling.

Comments (2)

  1. Pawan Singh

    The Pros and Cons of Online Counselling


    1. Convenience: One of the biggest advantages of online counselling is convenience. It allows people to access counselling services from the comfort of their own home, at any time of day and from anywhere in the world.

    2. Cost: Online counselling is often more affordable than face-to-face counselling. This can be especially useful for those on a low income, or those who don’t have access to in-person counselling services.

    3. Accessibility: Online counselling can provide access to services for people who live in remote or rural areas, or who are unable to leave the house due to physical or mental health issues.

    4. Anonymity: Online counselling can provide anonymity, which can be beneficial for those who feel uncomfortable speaking to a counsellor in person.


    1. Lack of physical contact: Online counselling can be impersonal and lack the physical contact that is often beneficial in face-to-face counselling.

    2. Technical difficulties: Online counselling can be disrupted by technical issues such as poor internet connection or a lack of appropriate technology.

    3. Limited services: Not all services available in in-person counselling are available online, such as group </form>

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