Generate specification for how to express a series of flow cytometry gates

Issue #1 open
Yannick Pouliot repo owner created an issue

Essentially, a minimal gating language that doesn't address the content of the gates, just the gate ordering and how they are referred to from the machine side.

Comments (5)

  1. Yannick Pouliot reporter

    From Kevin: "As far as interchange, I think GatingML is a good start for exchanging gates and the analysis definition, but I don't think analysis results is addressed properly yet or is even properly on ISAC's radar. We'd like to read/write calculated statistics (count, mean, median, etc.) that are attached to a sample, gate, and x&y axis. In addition, we'd like to read/write calculated plots for gates as well."

  2. Yannick Pouliot reporter

    Message to Kevin: "I agree with the notion of GatingML being a good start. Q: can you list areas of weakness in that standard is deficient as far as specifying gates (i.e., this task:) ?"

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