How to you use The Functions

Issue #2 new
Unknown Name created an issue

hi I was trying to use the jql functions WorklogLoggedBetween("project in (ABC, DEF, GHI) ORDER BY Rank ASC","2014-08-08","2014-08-08",[Login])

but couldnt seem to get it to work a sample syntax would be helpful

and is there a way to use these functions for all users rather than just one

Comments (4)

  1. Luís Ribeiro


    It might be because you are putting start and end on same date.If you put different range of dates do you have the same problem ? Regarding the second question, at this moment there isn´t but its a good idea and i will implement for the next release. Thanks for using. If I can help you in any thing let me know. Thx

  2. Unknown Name reporter

    I did use different dates the e.g. which i am trying is

    Issue in WorklogLoggedBetween("timespent is not EMPTY ","2014-08-01","2014-08-30")

    and i get 2 errors invalid data used and invalid user i can

  3. Unknown Name reporter

    If you could just show an example of how to use this function it would be appreciated

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