Are there YourJQL performance concerns?

Issue #4 new
Patrick McGovern created an issue

All, We have been using the JQL Tricks plugin for a few years and have recently discovered Indexing and performance issues. We are investigating to replace that plugin.

The indexing issues are annoying but the performance issues are fatal to JIRA that cause "OutOfMemoryError: GC overhead limit exceeded" errors, a JIRA restart and about 20 minutes of downtime. Yes, those issues are directly caused by users creating slow, incorrect or non-optimized JQL queries. Nonetheless, we don't want a plugin that can crash JIRA from a single user mistake. I noted that you have a role access requirement for the SQL function. I assume that would allow it to be restricted for specific/tested situations - Good idea!

  • Does the YourJQL plugin have performance limitations, concerns or known issues? Using your plugin, can users crash JIRA with badly formed JQL statements?

Comments (3)

  1. Patrick McGovern reporter

    Please assign and update this issue.
    Your handling of this request affects our decision to consider this plugin.

  2. Luís Ribeiro

    Hi Patrick,

    Thanks for your interest in the plugin. I understand you problem regarding the JAVA error that is thrown. The JQL functions use the internal API's of Atlassian, and I do find strange a JQL function to Load classes in a way that it doesn't allow the GC to free up space.

    I don't know the size of your instance, and I might see possible issues in some of functions. Some functions as "WasCommentbyUser*" retrieve the scope of issues and then loop over them to evaluate if they have a comment by a user:

    The Api CommentManager.getCommentsForUser(issue,user) is used.

    If someone pass's a million issues to won't be blazing fast...

    My advice would be to use a stage environment to evaluate this or any other plugin.

    I currently work on a Atlassian Expert company and If you are facing problems with your instance we might be able to help you.

    Note: This plugin as no relation with the company itself.

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