importing from Excel doesn't populate step, result, testdata fields

Issue #12 resolved
Carsten Piske created an issue

I am using version 0.33 of the zfj-importer tool. I configure the fields Step, Result and Testdata to coincide with the columns in the Excel spread sheet. I have set the "By ID Change" discriminator, and starting row #2. Please see screen shot for details.

Running the import, I am getting the following error messages: Tue Jun 02 10:23:11 EDT 2015 file:///O:/TEMP/testcaseGENERIC2.xls normalization success..! Tue Jun 02 10:23:12 EDT 2015 Issue 22409 created! Tue Jun 02 10:23:12 EDT 2015 Unable to add testcase ending at rowNumber - 1. Error:null Tue Jun 02 10:23:13 EDT 2015 Issue 22410 created! Tue Jun 02 10:23:13 EDT 2015 Unable to add testcase ending at rowNumber - 2. Error:null Tue Jun 02 10:23:14 EDT 2015 Issue 22411 created! Tue Jun 02 10:23:14 EDT 2015 Unable to add testcase ending at rowNumber - 3. Error:null Tue Jun 02 10:23:15 EDT 2015 Issue 22412 created! Tue Jun 02 10:23:15 EDT 2015 Unable to add testcase ending at rowNumber - 4. Error:null Tue Jun 02 10:23:16 EDT 2015 Issue 22413 created! Tue Jun 02 10:23:16 EDT 2015 Unable to add testcase ending at rowNumber - 5. Error:null Tue Jun 02 10:23:17 EDT 2015 Issue 22414 created! Tue Jun 02 10:23:17 EDT 2015 Unable to add testcase ending at rowNumber - 6. Error:null Tue Jun 02 10:23:18 EDT 2015 Issue 22415 created! Tue Jun 02 10:23:18 EDT 2015 Unable to add testcase ending at rowNumber - 7. Error:null Tue Jun 02 10:23:20 EDT 2015 Issue 22416 created! Tue Jun 02 10:23:20 EDT 2015 Unable to add testcase ending at rowNumber - 8. Error:null Tue Jun 02 10:23:21 EDT 2015 Issue 22417 created! Tue Jun 02 10:23:21 EDT 2015 Unable to add testcase ending at rowNumber - 31. Error:null Tue Jun 02 10:23:21 EDT 2015 testcaseGENERIC2.xls imported successfully..!

The test cases are actually created in my cloud (trial) version of Zephyr, but the 3 above mentioned fields are empty, where they should be containing data (see testcaseScreenshot.jpg)

Comments (6)

  1. Łukasz Chorek

    @sxm20 Hi I have the same problem as Carsten. API keys were generated however I'm getting the same error when tries to import TC. Please explain me how the Secretkey and Accesskey should be inserted properly. I've tried many combinations and always have the same issue as result of import as described above. When I use tutorial form the website you pointed >> Format of the data is like this : {"accessKey":"","secretKey":""}

  2. ShaileshM

    @lukasz_chorek Current documentation is a bit scant. We are in process of updating it. Mean while, copy each key individually and paste it in its approprate box. e.g. for following key pair,


    I 'd put XXXXXXXX in accessKey (first box) and YYYYYYYYY in secretKey (second box)

  3. Sean Keane

    Hi, I am getting the same error using the server version, not JIRA Cloud. Not sure if it's because I'm using the evaluation version? I want to ensure that I will be able to migrate our test data before purchasing... I've also tried with linked sample Zephyr file below, but got same error.

    Update: If I select "By Sheet" as 'Discriminator' it creates the steps, but then it places all rows in one test case. If I select any other option for 'Discriminator' I get the error above and no steps are created.

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