Import of all Worksheets in one Excel file does not work

Issue #33 resolved
Christian Sellmer created an issue


The import of all worksheets in an Excel file does not work for me using the zfj importer 0.36 together with Zephyr 2.6.0 The Excel I am using contains three worksheets, all having the same structure. Importing one worksheet does work fine, but when ticking "import all sheets", nothing happens. The log states: Thu Jan 07 17:27:15 CET 2016 file:///X:/GroupCTO/SDEV/InnoDev/PQUS/99_Tools/Ex Thu Jan 07 17:27:15 CET 2016 IMPORT_TESTCASE_3.xlsx imported successfully..!

See attached screenshot for the used zjf parameters and the used Excel.

Please note, that Columns H,I,K in the Excel worksheet require a customized JIRA Project, so you need to exclude them in your environment in case you want to reproduce the problem sing this Excel.

Any ideas what goes wrong



Comments (6)

  1. Daniel Account Deactivated

    Hi Christian,

    Thank you for posting this information. I would suggest opening a ticket with our support team at:

    Please copy the text and attachments given here to the ticket and our support staff will be able to assist you further.

    Regards, Daniel

  2. ShaileshM

    Hi @christian_sellmer,

    This issue is caused by two hidden sheets that you have in your excel. There are two options:

    1. Delete the hidden sheets, save your excel and try again.
    2. Use regular expression to filter out the sheets.
    TC[a-z A-Z \d]*

    Try it out and let us know if it works. Sorry for the delay and inconvenience caused.


  3. Christian Sellmer Account Deactivated reporter

    Hi Sailseh,

    Thanks for the update. It does work now.

    Best Regards


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