Zephyr testcase importer

Issue #46 resolved
Jack2424 created an issue


I am trying to import test steps from excel, sometimes it works fine but sometimes I get this error, its into the same project every time and description is a required field which I map the same way every time. No idea why it works sometimes and not others? I have attached excel sheet and importer screenshot

error: Wed Apr 13 13:19:27 BST 2016 file:///C:/Users/EARXD/Desktop/Jira/Import tool/Working test page.xlsx normalization success..! Wed Apr 13 13:19:27 BST 2016 Unable to add testcase ending at rowNumber - 5. Error:Unexpected response code: 400 {"errorMessages":[],"errors":{"description":"Description is required."}} Wed Apr 13 13:19:27 BST 2016 Working test page.xlsx imported successfully..!

Comments (6)

  1. BibekBehera Account Deactivated

    Hello @Jack2424

    Cloud you please move out the cursor from the mapped fields in importer utility so that the utility understands it as a field to be imported otherwise it wont consider the field . Please see the screenshot where cursor is in Description field which wont import that content.

    If you are still facing the issue, please submit a case with us so that we can troubleshoot the issue further.

    Best Regards, Zephyr Support.

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