All my old tests are imported in one new test with a step for each old test

Issue #54 resolved
Agnes Dos Santos created an issue

Using JIRA Server v7.1.6 Zephyr for JIRA 3.2.1 Zephyr for JIRA Importer Utility 0.36

I have an Excel sheet with 83 tests. At the end of the importation, I have only one issue created with 83 steps. Only success error messages are displayed in the console.

I made another importation based on this example, with the example file and I have the same problem.

Comments (1)

  1. BibekBehera Account Deactivated

    Hello @Agnes_D_S

    This issue is was resolved via zephyr support case. Using the "By Testcase Name Change" option as the discriminator solves the issue.

    Regards, Zephyr Support.

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