Unable to import the test steps into JIRA using zephyr testcase importer.

Issue #8 resolved
Vijayalakshmi created an issue

I'am getting the following error message when i try to import the test cases .

Error : Unable to add testcase ending at rowNumber - 4. Error:Unexpected response code: 404

Note: The issue is created in the JIRA but without the test steps. I can oly see the test name, comments... Attached the txt file for reference

Comments (11)

  1. Gokul Kumar Krishnan

    Hello @vijilaki

    I am Gokul from Zephyr Support.

    It is difficult for me to troubleshoot the issue without having a look at your instance. Can you send us a sample of your Excel sheet you are trying to import and a screenshot of the importer utility after the details have been filled in?

    This will help us reproduce the issue on our end and find the root cause of the issue. Thank you.

    Regards, Gokul

  2. Brian Ross

    I ran into a similar issue during the Test Case import.

    I discovered I needed to be a JIRA administrator for the import tool to bring over the Test Steps. After you become an Admin in JIRA, you will need to delete your API key and regenerate it.

    After that, the import ran smooth.

    Hope this helps.

  3. Gokul Kumar Krishnan

    Hello @vijilaki

    I am Gokul from Zephyr Support.

    As the tests are created in JIRA but without the test steps, this should be an issue with the API Keys. Can you confirm if you have added the API Keys? Please have a look at our wiki for further information.

    Also as asked previously, can you send a screenshot of the importer utility after the fields have been filled in? Thank you.

    Regards, Zephyr Support.

  4. Donna Rochard

    I am having the same issue - I've regenerated the API keys but that has not helped - have you been able to resolve this problem?? Here's the output:

    Thu Aug 20 15:45:01 EDT 2015 file:///C:/Users/drocha01/Documents/Zephyr/ZephyrImport08202015B.xlsx normalization success..! Thu Aug 20 15:45:03 EDT 2015 Issue 15134 created! Thu Aug 20 15:45:04 EDT 2015 Unable to add testcase ending at rowNumber - 9. Error:Unexpected response code: 401 eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJkb25uYS5yb2NoYXJkIiwicXNoIjoiNTcyNDQ4YjkzM2FkM2JlZGEwNGY2MzRjNDhlM2ZiNDQ1YTM3YjZhN2Q1MmYxOGQyMDc4YWNhMzM0OGY4MDQ3NCIsImlzcyI6ImFtbHlZVG81Tm1Nek1EY3lZaTFoT1dNeExUUXdPVEV0T1dKaU5pMDRaakF5WldReE9EWm1OVGNnWkc5dWJtRXVjbTlqYUdGeVpBIiwiZXhwIjoxNDQwMTAwMDgzLCJpYXQiOjE0NDAwOTk5MDN9.WlPQGPihMm7vc-v972oTEf7wM5LEanpMlGAuf2pCTD4 Thu Aug 20 15:45:05 EDT 2015 Issue 15135 created! Thu Aug 20 15:45:05 EDT 2015 Unable to add testcase ending at rowNumber - 20. Error:Unexpected response code: 401 eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJkb25uYS5yb2NoYXJkIiwicXNoIjoiZDJjNDQ3YmE5NjY2MWI2ODRhZjg2OWYyYzc0MDM1ZDVmZTVlNjQxYjE4Yzg4Njk1ZTBkZGRlNjFkMWZlMDIwZiIsImlzcyI6ImFtbHlZVG81Tm1Nek1EY3lZaTFoT1dNeExUUXdPVEV0T1dKaU5pMDRaakF5WldReE9EWm1OVGNnWkc5dWJtRXVjbTlqYUdGeVpBIiwiZXhwIjoxNDQwMTAwMDg1LCJpYXQiOjE0NDAwOTk5MDV9.GxckBfgp2HF4KiLGZBNZdDCNu6ieFFH0guIXXejuPlo Thu Aug 20 15:45:05 EDT 2015 ZephyrImport08202015B.xlsx imported successfully..!

    Test cases came over but no test steps

  5. Danny Flores

    I have the same problem with my user API key cannot import test steps Mon Dec 07 09:06:52 AST 2015 Unable to add testcase ending at rowNumber - 3. Error:Unexpected response code: 401

  6. Ghassen Gaaliche

    Hi @Zephyr_Support , I'm having the following issue while importing the test cases to JIRA cloud : Unable to add testcase ending at rowNumber - 1048577. Error:Unexpected response code: 401 The test is imported successfully but the steps are missing. Any idea about this issue? Thanks.

  7. Donna Rochard

    We had this issue and needed assistance from Zephyr support to resolve it. You may want to open a ticket with them – they are very responsive

    Donna Rochard Manager, IT Quality Assurance

    [Anda_Inc_logo_150.png] 2915 Weston Rd., Weston, FL 33331 •1-800-ANDA(2632) X74294|donna.rochard@actavis.com “Software Quality is a customer determination, not an engineer's determination.. It is based on the customer's actual experience with the product or service, measured against his or her requirements..

  8. PoojaK Account Deactivated

    Hello @ggaaliche

    Could you please navigate to test dropdown and then select api keys in your jira instance. Please regenerate your API keys by clicking on the edit button of the popup. After the key are regenerated , kindly copy the access key by clicking on the "Copy to clipboard option" present on the right side of the Access key label. Once the key is copied to clipboard paste the key in importer utility tool . Similarly copy the shared access key to clipboard and paste it in importer utility tool. Now try to import your test steps

    If the issue still persists, we need to do detailed troubleshooting. Hence kindly open up a case with us by signing into our support portal at https://support.getzephyr.com/hc/en-us .

    Regards Zephyr Support

  9. Kalaivanan Lakshmanan

    Hi All,

    I am having the same issue, test steps are not imported. Is there any update on this issue ?

  10. BibekBehera Account Deactivated

    Hi Everyone,

    Please find the detailed documentation of how to import the test cases to the JIRA instance. https://support.getzephyr.com/hc/en-us/articles/204550179-How-do-I-import-test-cases-into-Zephyr-for-JIRA-Cloud-

    Note: Being able to set the Issue Key is particularly useful because it allows the importer to append additional steps to tests that already exist in the system.

    The Discriminator setting tells the utility how the information has been stored in the Excel file and how to determine when one test cases and its associated test steps finishes and therefore when the next test case begins.Please judge accordingly which attribute is unique and map the same accordingly.

    By Sheet This discriminator setting tells the utility that each worksheet in the spreadsheet represents a single test case and each row within each sheet represents a test step. By Empty Row An empty row exists between test cases. By ID Change When the ID value changes a new test cases should be created. By Testcase Name Change Similarly to ID change but based on the change in the name of the test case.

    Best Regards, Bibek

  11. John Nguyen

    I can't believe that this piece of importer is so buggy beyond the point of annoyance. The tool is bad. The execution log is even worse. I can not make head or tail of the execution log messages.... So bad... I can't believe the tool created by a testing company is so buggy.... who did the QA on this tool should be fired.

    Why not have the importer built in with the plugin? It is a very simple process..... 1 - You automatically create all access keys and transport keys in the back. 2 - Pop up the importer screen and let the user to import the file.

    Please take a look at this tool. Rewrite it. It is the first step for you to gain the new customers who want to migrate their test cases to your trial version. You failed this step. you won't have new customers. Period! John Nguyen

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