Create repo in specific project under team ownership

Issue #24 new
Ben Lindsay created an issue

If I create a repo under a team name using something like bb create --username <username> --owner <team name> <repo name> the repo seems to be automatically added to the first "Project" created under that team name. Is there a way to control which Project it's added to? Maybe something like this (I know this doesn't work) bb create --username <username> --owner <team name> --project <project name> <repo name>

Comments (6)

  1. Santanu Das Account Deactivated

    did this ever get solved?

    I'm having the very same issue and it's annoying that you again need to go to the bitbucket UI and assign the correct project, after creating the repo using CLI. For me, it's being created under the Untitled Projects.

  2. David Dahl

    Yes, indeed, being able to specify the correct project upon repository creation would be very helpful. Thanks.

  3. Blazej Floch

    I've added project support in my fork at

    I did not create a pull request yet as I need more testing. Also the display seems to be not compatible to the v2 api response and needs refactoring. I just made it not fail but it does not show all info I guess.


    bb [create|create_from_local] ... --project PROJECTKEY

    Note that it requires the project key, not name.

  4. Dave Myron

    Any word on this feature? @bfloch do you feel like your fork is sufficiently tested now and deserving of a pull request?

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