Allow use of rsa keys

Issue #6 new
Alan Kessler created an issue

I do not see a way to use ssh key authentication, if this is already possible then perhaps the docs could use an update. Otherwise, it seems like an essential feature.

Comments (6)

  1. Howard Mao repo owner

    Do you mean authentication for pushing to repositories? You just have to set your protocol to "ssh".

  2. Alan Kessler reporter

    I meant for creating repos, e.g.:

    $ bb create test2 [ruby-1.9.3-p484@gather] password:

  3. Howard Mao repo owner

    I haven't really been working on this, since I'm now working full time and have other side projects. If anyone wants to fork the repo and work on adding support for this, I'd be happy to take a pull request.

  4. Gabriel Le Breton

    +1, would be awesome to use ssh keys instead for fetching and creating repos on the fly. Very useful cli by the way ;)

  5. Francis St-Amour

    Maybe we could store the password in a file, but crypted with the RSA key This way, we could use the password only if you have the key and, more importantly, we could "enter" automatically the password if the RSA key is in the keyring (or ssh-agent).

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