create_from_local does not seem to take repository name

Issue #7 resolved
Christopher Jefferson created an issue

In the Overview, I see the following command which takes a repo-name. I'd like to give a repo-name, but it doesn't seem to be listed in either the in-program help, or be accepted as an argument.

I'm using 0.4.1 - as a related bug, --help doesn't give the version number, and --version doesn't exist, I have to look in /usr/local/bin/bb for my version!

bb create_from_local --username <your-user-name> --public --protocol ssh <repo-owner> <repo-name>

Comments (3)

  1. Howard Mao repo owner

    Hi, sorry it took so long to respond to this one. The create command allows you to create a repository with a specific name. The create_from_local command will use the name of the current directory.

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