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+**[Magic: The Gathering: Rise of the Gatewatch: A Visual History]( "Download Magic: The Gathering: Rise of the Gatewatch: A Visual History")**
+####Magic: The Gathering: Rise of the Gatewatch: A Visual History Wizards of the Coast, Jenna Helland ebook
+ Over the course of its 25-year history, Magic: The Gathering—the world’s first and most popular trading card game—has redefined the fantasy genre through its exploration of diverse, fantastic worlds. And traversing those worlds are Planeswalkers, heroes who have sworn to defend the Multiverse from harm. Magic: The Gathering: Rise of the Gatewatch is a visual history and celebration of Magic’s first team of Planeswalkers—Jace Beleren, Ajani Goldmane, Gideon Jura, Kaya, Chandra Nalaar, Nissa Revane, Liliana Vess, and Teferi. The Gatewatch’s character histories, from their origins through their final confrontation with Nicol Bolas, are presented here via the very best card, packaging, and convention-exclusive artwork, all of it reproduced together here for the first time, some seen for the first time outside of the card frame. Rise of the Gatewatch is a giftable visual reference guide sure to appeal to new and longtime Magic fans alike.
+ Magic: The Gathering: Rise of the Gatewatch is a visual history and celebration of Magic’s first team of Planeswalkers—Jace Beleren, Ajani Goldmane, Gideon Jura, Kaya, Chandra Nalaar, Nissa
+ And traversing those worlds are Planeswalkers, heroes who have sworn to defend the Multiverse from harm. Magic: The Gathering: Rise of the Gatewatch is a visual history and celebration of Magic’s first team of Planeswalkers—Jace Beleren, Ajani Goldmane, Gideon Jura, Kaya, Chandra Nalaar, Nissa Revane, Liliana Vess, and Teferi.
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+ Eldritch Moon Events Story Cards Info The last protections over Innistrad have faded. Ancient powers reach forth to corrupt the plane, and now Innistrad's fate rests in the hands of unlikely allies
+ Oath of the Gatewatch Story. The battle to save the plane of Zendikar rages on. Powerful Planeswalkers have fought on the side of the Zendikari against the all-consuming, alien Eldrazi. Will the Planeswalkers stay at great personal risk and fight for Zendikar? Or will they retreat away to safety and leave the world to oblivion?