Exception in queued task Error: Unexpected object in htmljs: [object Object]

Issue #1 new
Ankit Arora created an issue


Using this project, while rendering. I am adding the content in the mini mongo & then rendering it, its working fine but if there is a form from which I am adding the content then an error is shown

Exception in queued task Error: Unexpected object in htmljs: [object Object]
at materializeDOMInner (webpack:///./node_modules/meteor-blaze-runtime/src/blaze/materializer.js?:92:9)
at Blaze._materializeDOM (webpack:///./node_modules/meteor-blaze-runtime/src/blaze/materializer.js?:28:3)
at Object.Blaze._materializeDOM (webpack:///./node_modules/meteor-blaze-runtime/src/blaze/materializer.js?:37:7)
at eval (webpack:///./node_modules/meteor-blaze-runtime/src/blaze/view.js?:378:31)
at Object.Tracker.nonreactive (webpack:///./node_modules/meteor-standalone-tracker/tracker.js?:599:12)
at Object.Blaze._materializeView (webpack:///./node_modules/meteor-blaze-runtime/src/blaze/view.js?:344:11)
at eval (webpack:///./node_modules/meteor-blaze-runtime/src/blaze/builtins.js?:204:31)
at Object.Tracker.nonreactive (webpack:///./node_modules/meteor-standalone-tracker/tracker.js?:599:12)
at Object.addedAt (webpack:///./node_modules/meteor-blaze-runtime/src/blaze/builtins.js?:177:17)
at Object.addedAt (webpack:///./node_modules/meteor-blaze-runtime/src/observe-sequence.js?:423:19)

Sharing the attachment also, here is I load the content on onRendered then its working fine but If I am adding one more document (via Commenting) then it does not work. Please help

Comments (3)

  1. Zack Newsham repo owner

    It’s unlikely (but possible) this is a problem with the package - this error comes up in the regular meteor version from time to time as well - in general it means you have a helper like this:

    <something value={{helper}}>

    Where helper returns an object - i’d advise setting a breakpoint in materializeDOMInner to see what the argument is and see if you can fix it there.

    As an aside, Harry Adel built a newer version of this package that is a little cleaner (and renamed it blast) https://github.com/harryadel/blastjs

  2. Ankit Arora reporter


    Thanks for the update. I used the shared package also, but there are the same issues. Attaching the screenshot

    Please let me know if there is anything wrong at my end

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