natsort package misses some cases

Issue #4 new
Ross Light repo owner created an issue

Reporting on behalf of John Souvestre (thanks!), there are some test cases that the natsort package doesn't handle (listed are the expected outputs):

[]string{"a1", "a#1", "a_1", "aa"} ==> [a1 a#1 a_1 aa]
[]string{"1", "#1", "_1", "a"} ==> [1 #1 _1 a]
[]string{"1", "2", "01", "02", "3"} ==> [1 01 2 02 3]
[]string{"111111111111111111112", "111111111111111111113", "1111111111111111111120"} ==> [111111111111111111112 111111111111111111113 1111111111111111111120]

Marking as minor priority for now because these cases don't come up in cardcpx's use cases, but generally useful.

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