Download from foobar2000 components page still broken, possible version number conflict?

Issue #28 invalid
z4q created an issue

I appreciate the work that's been done to update the component to use discogs' HTTPS API, but the built version on the foobar2000 components page is still using the broken HTTP API.

I can see the issue's been fixed in the source, can we get the updated, compiled component on the foobar2000 components page? I also noticed that the version there is v1.56, while your updated version here is also v1.56, are these going by two different versioning schemes?

I would build this myself but I'm running my foobar in wine and not familiar with Visual Studio. Thanks again for being so responsive on this, I can't wait to get to use the updated version!

Comments (2)

  1. zoomorph repo owner

    If you're using the newer version, not officially released yet, then you need to get it from the discussion thread on hydrogenaudio. If you're using the old version, it was updated on the official components repository. If you want to downgrade, you probably have to delete the component and reinstall it (and reconfigure your settings).

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