No ai bad guys

Issue #3 resolved
Former user created an issue

Map blues up no ai found on map.

Comments (10)

  1. Nathan Dillon

    Hi I have the same problem. how do I increase the amount of enemies in the game? I am only playing it on LAN with a friend. I see your comment above however I am really noob at editing and scripts so if you could help me I would be really grateful

  2. Nathan Dillon

    Yeah I thought this could be fun for LAN... And it is. I am playing with my friend we have a squad of AI's each and there seems to be a lot of enemies! We spent first hour pinned down in the airport. Does anyone know how to take out the thing that stops you from shooting in airport? As we couldn't protect our self for a while

  3. zorrobyte repo owner

    Newer versions will have spawn @ airport fixed. Also cleaning up code and putting UPSMON as a module.

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