Mission init takes longer then expected

Issue #8 duplicate
zorrobyte repo owner created an issue

Confirmed, scripts seem to execute much slower. It takes 160 secs to execute a mission from start to "init" state, (I'm spawming IA using scripts) and 560 secs with ZBE cache. No clue so far why, FPS tend to be better and CPS worse when using ZBE, but not such a huge diference, (3/4 FPS and CPS).

Comments (3)

  1. Ignacio Barrientos

    Do not know how FSM work exactly but some suggestions.

    if (zbe_minFrameRate == -1) then {zbe_minFrameRate = 16;}; in the main SQF, out of the FSM. We are not going to change FPS limiter value in midgame, so just defining it once would make it better in performance.

    All the functions in the FSM, out of it and in the mainSQF. again, we want for scripts that tend to be repated to be as little and performance wise as possible. Definid the same functions again and again does not help. (or so I think it does, SQFs work this way)

    Does ExecFSM compile the FSM eachtime is called? I know execVM does.

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