Debug False

Issue #9 new
Amber Worden created an issue

//[AiCacheDistance(players),TargetFPS(-1 for Auto),Debug,CarCacheDistance,AirCacheDistance,BoatCacheDistance]execvm "zbe_cache\main.sqf";
if (isServer) then {[1000,-1,false,100,1000,1000]execvm "zbe_cache\main.sqf"};

When moving True to False to disable Debug mode, all icons for all units are still marked and visible on the map.

Comments (1)

  1. zorrobyte repo owner


    Thanks for the report! I’d happily accept a PR for this issue. I haven’t played Arma for some years now.

    In the meantime, you could try removing or otherwise commenting out the code for debug entirely.

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