Strange noise in beeper

Issue #4 resolved
Former user created an issue

When playing a beeper from .ay snapshot, there is a strange remarkable background noise. It's best heard on a first tune from the attachment. Please compare it to Unreal emulator or latest AyEmul.

Comments (6)

  1. Dmitri Ponomarjov

    From the other side, when comparing to AYEmul, I can say that AyEmul has a little better resulting sound in this very melody. AYEmul has two interpolation types: Averager - sounds similar to zxtune FIR-filter - sounds better in this melody

    I think that I will ask Yerzmyey to make a direct recording from real hardware to compare which one is more accurate.

  2. Vitamin Vitamin

    zxtune uses lightweight 2-order filter optimized for performance. ayemul uses much more heavy filter.

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