[Mod Suggestion]: Look into adding Fluid Routers and Energy Routers [RF/EU*]

Issue #11 resolved
Former user created an issue

Instead of adding Mining Tools that doesnt really "Fit" into the revival theme of the mod, try looking into the addition of either Fluid/Energy Upgrades or simple Fluid/Energy Routers.

This would fit the theme of Revival and Improvement of the base product/item, aswell as give the mod alot more functionality. Fluid Routers wouldnt be that hard to implement i do believe seeing as they are "quantifiable" things in minecraft, however the concept of a Energy Router [RF/EU*] might be abit trickier however much more cool.

*Conditional on Not Being Extremely Hard/Super Crashy for You/User

Comments (3)

  1. Tom Erik Voll repo owner

    its a interesting idea for sure. someone else suggested this before, and maybe its time to consider it :)

    Most likely it will be a own block for RF and fluid, and keep the item router by itself, some might thing routing fluid + rf is a litle overpowered and i like to give the option to disallow the block in the config.

    I will look at this, but im not promissing anything yet, but it is interesting :) I will keep this post open so others can add to it.

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