Crash with Liquid Routers

Issue #12 resolved
Former user created an issue

Crash with the new liquid routers, log below. I love these things by the way! *1.1.24

Comments (4)

  1. Tom Erik Voll repo owner

    Thank you for the report, im uploading a beta atm, try that and see if that fixed it :)

    Did you break a machine or tank just as it happend? if not can you tell me what tank or machine you where extracting from.

  2. Joshua Cook

    No problem! No I didn't break anything, it just happened as I was working with some bees. I was extracting from the DNA/Protein/Mutation machines in Gendustry. They were going into a liquid router that sorted them into Reinforced Tanks from Thermal Expansion. I was then extracting from the tower of tanks to a liquiduct from Thermal Dynamics into another Gendustry machine (Mutator). I can post a screenshot of my setup if you need it.

  3. Tom Erik Voll repo owner

    Thank you :) I will do some testing with them, for now, that beta has some extra null checks so it should at least not crash on it

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