Crash bug with router

Issue #14 resolved
matt created an issue

If some places a router next to a brewing Stand the server or client will crash. (if the chunk is laoded where this bug has happned it will crash again) this bug was found when I was using forge 1408 and router reborn 1.1.35. I had a quick look at the change logs for the newer builds and this issue dose not look like it has been fixed

Comments (7)

  1. Tom Erik Voll repo owner

    im suspecting you had a Refined relocation pipe connected to the brewing stand, and that is fixed in 1.1.40, if you had something else connected please let me know and i will look into it.

  2. Tom Erik Voll repo owner

    hmm never mind that, def a issue there, i will look into it, however it will not crash on 1.1.40 just print a error

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