Sorting Suggestion

Issue #15 resolved
Joshua Cook created an issue

One issue I was having when using the router is sorting. Even when just using a barrel system with a router, problems present themselves. The router (with thorough upgrades) will continue to place items in whatever it can, including empty barrels whenever there is already a dedicated barrel for that given material.

Furthermore, some items that get routed you might want stored such as sand, while you may want ore to go into a furnace. My issue here is that the router will attempt to place the sand into the furnace too, which results in glass and not sand.

My suggestion to fix both of these problems would be to allow some type of simple sorting function similar to Extra Utilities sorting pipes. This way the router can only input items that are already in the inventory. Another way to fix this would be a simple whitelist system that you can pop on to the inventory cables or an interface upgrade to the router itself that allows machine selection and then a whitelist for that machine.

This is just a suggestion, but would add a lot of function to the mod. Thanks. :)

Comments (1)

  1. Tom Erik Voll repo owner

    In the new versions thorough will now try to place items into barrels that already contain the item first

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