Router Reborn - Routers Force inserting into JABBA barrels and thus creating a MAJOR Exploit

Issue #2 resolved
Former user created an issue

Found this while testing Router Reborn, apparently your Routers don't respect Jabba barrels being locked and thus takeing for example Dirt and force inserting it into a barrel, some instances I've tested of this is turning Dirt into Diamonds blocks, Gold Blocks, "Solar Flux" Solar Panels and even Nether Stars >.>. This is a major exploit that needs to be investigated and fixed, considering most mod packs are currently running JABBA, addition of this mod into a mod pack will be practically impossible due to this giant exploit. Not saying anything bad about the mod, i love it, i love routers they are AWESOME <333, but this is such a glareing issue that I can't with good consious use this :(.

Comments (4)

  1. Tom Erik Voll repo owner

    Im looking at this and from what i see this is a Jabba issue.

    I can duplicate your problem with buildcraft pipes, logistic pipes, item ducts from ender io

    Ok i see there is a issue here when using slot mode, i will look into that

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