A couple mod interactions that cause crashes...

Issue #22 resolved
Unknown Name created an issue

Alright, one of these is banannas... But it causes a server crash so I'm gonna report it...

The first is easy, the Tubes! mod has a "buffer" tube, it technically has an inventory, but when a router attempts to access it, it causes a crash...

The other is the banannas one... The Backpacks! mod has an item called a quantum chest, and any backpack you put in it can be cloned, so you can have one inventory with multiple ways to get at it, much like an ender chest. These work great with routers, no problems... UNLESS you make a quantum backpack linked to a particular backpack, then take that backpack out of the quantum chest, and then place one of the copies into it...

So... steps because that one's hard to follow...

  1. Place a backpack in the quantum chest

  2. remove two QUANTUM backpacks from the chest

  3. remove the original backpack from the chest

  4. replace the original backpack with one of the QUANTUM backpacks (your other quantum backpack is now an invalid inventory)

  5. place your remaining quantum backpack on the ground (shift-right click)

  6. place a router next to it

  7. watch server go down in flames

  8. ???

  9. profit.

edit -- First two edits were for unexpected formatting on the list... This is to mention that, and also that I can't bring you a crash log atm, but I will asap...

Comments (12)

  1. Unknown Name reporter

    Hmm... Just tested it with another thing between the router and the buffer tube, and it also happens there (router|chest|tube) So it would seem it is triggered by the router's attempt to sort out exactly what a buffer tube is... It's acceptable if it simply ignores the tubes, there are plenty of other ways to ensure a buffer tube doesn't overflow...

    And it seems to happen with any tube that has an inventory, compressor tube, etc. The standard tube works just fine, as I don't think it has any valid inventory space so the router ignores it (and anything attached to it)

  2. Tom Erik Voll repo owner

    ya. looks like it could be meta related, it try to make a new itemstack from the block, somehow that returns a none null stack but with a invalid item, calling getunloalized name crashes it.

    I added a extra check there now to make sure the item itself in the stack is not null

  3. Tom Erik Voll repo owner

    Ok, im unable to make it crash placing the tube next to it, i tried all the tubes still no crash, did you delete the old router config when/if you upgraded from a earlier version? I tried removing the extra check just to make sure, but still no crash. What version did you use of the router? later version has had some fixes in that area.

    version is the latest, can you try that and see if that crashes to? tubes version 2.0.5

  4. Unknown Name reporter

    yeah, looks like I'm on an older version, 1.1.28 (router reborn), same version of tubes though.

    edit -- Looks like Routers Reborn gets updated way more than I thought! The pack's due for an update anyway...

    I'll test it over the weekend with the newest version, but I'm sure you're correct :P

  5. Unknown Name reporter

    Just tested in case you're wondering, works perfectly now, the router can both push and pull items from buffer tubes. The buffer seems to be erasing the first item it gets, but this doesn't seem to have anything to do with the router... I tried it with just tubes and a chest...

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