Dupe glitch with Essential Craft 3

Issue #33 resolved
Raymond Presley created an issue

this is not exactly a duplication glitch per say, but i feel it is worth taking note of. while using the Essential Craft 3 mod to handle sorting needs, a player on my server discovered that you can change any item from one type to another using the following method in the video i created showing it. I also posted this issue to the Author of Essential Craft 3 on github for them to review as well. the bug can be found in the Horizons 1.1.0 mod pack using Router Reborn v 1.7.10-


Comments (7)

  1. Tom Erik Voll repo owner

    i tested what you did in that video on EssentialCraftv4.6.1710.42 and i used the exact setup you used in that video, im unable to make it convert, was this done on a older version of RR ? i did some dupe fixes in later releases.

  2. Tom Erik Voll repo owner

    i just noticed you wrote above, there was a dupe fix released in im pretty sure that fixed it, im unable to reproduce it now

  3. Raymond Presley reporter

    Hey Tom, yes this issue is resolved in the latest versions of Essential Craft 3, i have not been able to replicate it with other mods so i believe this issue does not relate on router reborns side

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