Multiple issues with latest curseforge version

Issue #35 resolved
Former user created an issue

Manual is also given to players multiple times when they place routers and it gets quite annoying. RR pickaxe has some graphical artifacting on the top while its being held in the hand. Crash on turning to the second page of the manual with the latest versions of mantle beta and stable were both tested. I am using the latest version of your mod of curseforge which doesn't seem to have a version on this issue tracker.

Feature request: minor/trivial things hide items from displaying in NEI if they are disabled. add ability to disable barrels.

Comments (15)

  1. Tom Erik Voll repo owner

    manual being given several times is caused by something clearing player stored values, and there isnt mutch i can do about that, i suspect another mod or the server you run if any is interfering with it. i have tested latest version both offline and on a server and im not seeing this issue, its been running on a server since release and they have not seen it ether. Can you give me some more info on what mods you are using asnd what server you are running it on

  2. Tom Erik Voll repo owner

    The client crash your getting is caused by the new router being disabled, the manual is hardcoded xml file, it crashes when it tries to render the new router in the manual but the block does not exist in game.

    Mantle was suposed to be a temporary manual and a custom one was going to be made, i been busy with other stuff and never got around to getting it made. I will see if i can make a fix for it, but there doesnt seem to be any easy way of modifying the data directly (i will need to use some time and look more into it).

  3. Mary

    The client crash was caused by the old router being disabled not the new router being disabled, which is weird because the new router is the one on that page. Simply enabling it fixed the manual crash for me. I'd love to help you debug why the manual is giving to players multiple times. Does it potentially have to do with dimensions clearing and recreating the player when you travel between them? Without looking at the code it would be hard to hypothesize anyway. Found some additional purely cosmetic visual "issues" with NotEnoughItems displaying your fake light beam tile with a missing texture. There is also an item I don't understand the purpose of, has no crafting recipe, and also a missing texture error.

    Additionally thanks for the fix for barrels losing items in the latest version on CF, I meant to add that originally but couldn't figure out why it was happening and didn't want to report a bug poorly and without good documentation as to why it was occurring. Apologies for the initial post being a bit of a ramble and unorganized.

    Pictures of missing textures and whatnot: 2015-10-18_13.23.58.png2015-10-18_13.23.56.png

  4. Tom Erik Voll repo owner

    yes, i will hide the light beam in next release, the tool you dont know what is for was used for converting from the old barrel mod (witch name slips my mind atm) to RR barrels, it will be removed, something we used on test server to not have to replace all barrels. The stored player data getting lost must be caused by another mod or something, if you dont have a big list of mods i sugest trying to remove them one by one until the problem goes away, then report the problem to that mod author, i tried it in multiple mod packs and i have never seen that issue before.

    If you give me a list of the mods you use, i can try and debug it here, but im almost 100% sure the data loss is not caused by RR, im saying almost cause you never know, stranger things have happend :)

  5. Tom Erik Voll repo owner
    protected boolean CheckAchivement(EntityPlayerMP player) {
            NBTTagCompound tag = player.getEntityData();
            NBTBase modeTag = tag.getTag("RR_reborn_book");
            if (modeTag == null) {
                tag.setInteger("RR_reborn_book", 1);
                return false;
            return true;
  6. Tom Erik Voll repo owner

    all the tests i done on server and single player noone had the issue of getting more then 1 book, so that should work, if there is a better way ill change it.

  7. Mary

    Try using something like this instead

    protected boolean CheckAchivement(EntityPlayerMP player) { 
        NBTTagCompound tag = player.getEntityData().getCompoundTag(EntityPlayer.PERSISTED_NBT_TAG);
        NBTBase modeTag = tag.getTag("RR_reborn_book"); 
        if (modeTag == null) {
            tag.setInteger("RR_reborn_book", 1); 
            return false; 
        return true;
  8. Mary

    Try it in in dimensions other then the overworld. Specifically modded dimension and/or after you kill the enderdragon, and your player gets recreated into the overworld.

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