Router eating items

Issue #36 resolved
Tucker Tibbetts created an issue

I've recorded a video to show the problem -

This is using the latest version of the Galactic Science modpack

I'm having some trouble with the router from router reborn eating my items...

So from left to right, I have: A barrel with much Hydrogen A relocator (with extraction module) to pull the hydrogen into the... Router, set to output WEST (to the right) and finally a lot of stirling generators.

The router has a bandwidth upgrade, and a machinefilter blacklisting everything but stirling generators...

All of my hydrogen is very quickly sucked out of the barrel, and into the stirling generators... and then it just keeps going. The router burns through my hydrogen even though there's nowhere left to put it.

Comments (5)

  1. Tom Erik Voll repo owner

    i see multiple threads about this, but somehow im unable to reproduce it myself on latest version, what version of router reborn are you running?

  2. Tom Erik Voll repo owner

    ok, i found that there is a problem with the bandwidth upgrade, without it everything works ok, i will get a fix released soon

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