Textures for Theming

Issue #4 resolved
Former user created an issue

I'm here to ask for new textures, controllable in configuration for your router. Because while it looks awesome, it's clearly representitive of a computer router. A magical and/or mechanical themed texture would greatly expand it's applicability.

Thank you for your consideration of this request. JerryGrim (DivineAspect) -At the time of this posting I am part of the rr3 project.

Comments (8)

  1. Tom Erik Voll repo owner

    You can change textures by adding them in a texture pack, in 1.7.10 you can enable several packs at once, because of that you can use a pack with only the router textures if you wanted to. Not sure why you would need to change textures in the config file.

  2. Tom Erik Voll repo owner

    you can, its not something the launcher need to support, its the game itself, just locate the resourcepack folder and put the new textures in a zip there, if you open routerreborn jar file in winrar or simular you will see the directory structure and filenames needed to make it work, dont modify the files within the jar, it will make the jar not load anymore in minecraft.

  3. Jerry G

    I did know that. But it doesn't solve my problem for autoinstalling an alternate texture for thousands of people.

  4. Tom Erik Voll repo owner

    I may misunderstand you, but i dont understand the problem, Changing texture in a config file would still require you to add the custom textures in a pack.

    Textures are loaded using mod id, so a folder named routerreborn and the proper sub folders would still be needed withing a custom texture pack.

  5. Tom Erik Voll repo owner

    I still don't see why you cant use a custom texture pack like other mod pack does, its true that you cant force them into using a alternative texture, but i cant include a set of textures for every mod pack out there within the jar.

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