Idea: Liquid and Energy Routers?

Issue #5 resolved
Former user created an issue


I've looked at routers reborn and I've been thinking, currently it's alot like a straight revival of the routers from Factorization. However why stop there :), why not expand your inventory to Liquid and Energy Routers? This would certainly add alot more utility and usefullness to the mod as well as giving people an awesome way of transporting their liquid and Energy without the requirement of pipes :D.

I do realize this isn't a small idea and it will take some time to implement but I think this would make the mod alot more vibrant and liveful instead of being a straight revival of the routers :)

// Best Regards


Comments (2)

  1. Tom Erik Voll repo owner

    I might add something like that in the future, i got no plans to do this any time soon tho, I will reconcider it when API's have reached a more stable state

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