
Issue #54 closed
Former user created an issue

I reported the issue to knoxhack the creator of BetterAgriculture, but I thought I'd chime you in. Maybe you have some clue as to what is happening. The pack loads fine if I don't have both RouterReborn and BetterAgriculture installed at the same time. Loads with either of them on but not both together. I did use the latest versions as well but still get the crash.

This crash report is from an earlier incident, but same error.

Comments (6)

  1. Tom Erik Voll repo owner

    1.9- do not support 1.9.4, there is a new beta 1.9.4- that is for 1.9.4

    but that crash im unsure about.

  2. Tom Erik Voll repo owner

    i cant seem to find any reason it should crash, that registry is not even read from except if you try and put that ore into the furnace, unless some funky null pointer ended up in the ore dictionary i'm at a loss,

    It seems to crash on getting the item from the stack, so i asume a null itemstack made it into the registry somewhere.

  3. Tom Erik Voll repo owner

    only thing i do with that registry that has anything to do with coal ore is addSmeltingRecipeForBlock(Blocks.COAL_ORE, new ItemStack(Items.COAL), 0.1F);

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