ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException RouterReborn-1.10.2-

Issue #56 resolved
PsychoFad created an issue

So I am trying to add enchantments to the RR Pickaxe which I know was possible in the 1.7.10 version of the mod. So far I have tried to add an enchanted book with Efficiency V in an anvil and I get crashed to the desktop with this crash report:

And when that did not work I tried to put it into a crafting table to add an enchantment token from silent gems mod, but as soon as the pickaxe entered my crafting grid I was crashed to desktop with this crash report:

I really like to pick my enchants, so I have not tried this in an enchanting table. Hopefully this is an error that can be resolved as I would like to be able to make 2 Pickaxes, one with silk touch and one with fortune 3. Thanks.

Comments (11)

  1. Tom Erik Voll repo owner

    i added some checks in 13b to try and prevent it, if the problem is still there i will look into it again.

  2. PsychoFad reporter

    I am currently using it in Pughland Unus Decem modpack on the Technic Launcher on the packs official test server, I will let kwpugh, the modpacks creator, know about the update so we can see if that will fix the issue as this is happening server side but only crashing the client. I haven't tried it in singleplayer to see if it happens there yet, that might have been some important info I should have included in the original issue. Sorry.

  3. Tom Erik Voll repo owner

    ok, i will do a server test on it, i should have done that before i released it, im not sure i can get the time todo it today, but i will get it tested tomorrow, and push a update if im able to duplicate it, i will try that modpack and do my testing with that :)

  4. PsychoFad reporter

    Ok, sounds good.

    I sent kwpugh a message with the link to this issue as well so he can be looped in on the progress. Thanks!

  5. Kevin Pugh

    Tested RouterReborn-1.10.2- on the server. It still crashed to desktop when I tried to enchant the RR pick with silk touch in an anvil.

  6. Tom Erik Voll repo owner

    problem solved, seems the registration of the itemstack to sue for repair had changed, and caused a crash since i used the old method.

  7. Tom Erik Voll repo owner

    released 14b with the fix, let me know if you still get the crash, i can not generate a crash now when i enchant or put it in a crafting table in Pughland Unus Decem modpack.

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