
Issue #73 resolved
Duncan Webb created an issue

How do I use the Upgrade blocks, such as the Upgrade Extract Basic, Upgrade Packager Advanced?

The fine manual does not describe them and all I found was some information in a change log.

The proposal is to update the manual and may be add something to the wiki.


Comments (3)

  1. Tom Erik Voll repo owner

    the advanced upgrades has a gui, you hold them in your hand and right click to open the gui, you can then select the options for it like 3x3 or 2x2 or both and if it should eject items and on what side of the target (what side of the block you are ejecting to) should be used.

    To make it do 3x3 before 2x2, simply uncheck both then check 3x3 first then 2x2, for it to process it in the other direction meaning 2x2 then 3x3 check 2x2 first then 3x3.

    Item filters can be added in the slots you see and by using them you can select what items it should pack.

    For extract the process is the same, you right click then select what side of the source chest or machine you want to pull items from, and you can add filters to say what items to pull.

  2. Tom Erik Voll repo owner

    I need someone to help me out with the wiki when the mod is ready, lack of documentation has been a problem.

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